How To Keep Cats as Pets at Home 101 Guide

To have a cat as a pet, there are some issues to consider very carefully. How well are you set to own a cat? The truth of the matter is that cats require proper care for their entire stay with the owner. Remember not to deprive them of necessary levels of care and vet care.

This calls for the question, should we spend considerably on cats? The answer is yes. Before you take your new cat home, ensure you are ready to meet the expectations of rearing one. This goes from vet bills to training, from purchasing the appropriate toys to litter boxes, from flea control to food bowls, etc.

Yearly, the low cost of taking care of your cat is at a minimum of $4,000 to a high value of over $18,000.Scary right? Well, cats are very expensive to keep. But who would want to have a cat with poor hygiene or a cat with a parasite infestation?

Know Your Cat 

Ranging from well-trained cats to special-need cats, all are unique in their characteristics. Ensure your house is well prepared for the new cat. Clean up and keep away any toxic plants as cats are sensitive and can be poisoned. Also, put away tiny objects and small food particles like peanuts which the cat might be allergic to.

Hanging electricity chords can also be a threat as cats are attracted to hanging objects. Cats are territorial animals. They familiarize themselves with the things they like cushions, bathtubs, and kitchen counters, etc.
Be sure to give the cat the proper space. A large cat room can be overwhelming. A corner in your room can be just enough to ensure that the spot is clean and conducive for example getting the cat its cushion.

Never forget to bear in mind that cats are sensitive to high-pitch sounds. This calls for a peaceful environment with less or absolutely no noise at all which means no loud music or no frequent parties that are accompanied by screams and too much excitement. Or else, be sure to lose your cat to friendly neighbors.

Lastly, in knowing your cat, be patient with it. Give it time to get to know you. Don’t begin your hospitality by touching it frequently. They have numerous touch receptors running from the face to the feet areas.

How To Keep Cats as Pets

Things to keep in mind when nurturing cats in your home

Feeding Your Cat

The feline diet and nutrition don’t only rely on how often you feed your cat but also bearing in mind the flavor to select. Canned foods are considered by vets as having significantly more moisture which cats require.

The low levels of carbohydrates are way much better compared to semi-moist cat foods which are very high in magnesium and contain little or no nutrients at all. This is very harmful to allergic cats. Poor diet causes kidney problems, diabetes, vomiting etc. While quality proportioned dry cat food and canned foods have balanced mineral content which many cats may tolerate and enjoy.

Raw foods can be argued to be very nutritious, but there are high risks regarding hygiene when preparing. Individual cats may not require spices as they could be allergic.

Body Weight

Most healthy cats weigh 5.5-16 pounds. Others weigh more depending on their species. This asks the question, should I be concerned if my cat is overweight? Yes, absolutely.

Most fat cats are incapable of grooming themselves. Since they are dull and oily, they begin to develop dandruff in their coats. They are also unable to reach their hind quarters which leads to building up of faeces and urine which cause discomfort and at the worst, infection.

Litter Box Tips

Cats are instinctual in using litter boxes. If your cat stops using the litter box, you have less than 30 days to rectify or otherwise, the cat will turn it into a permanent habit. In case your cat goes out of the litter box, apply the following:

Contact your veterinarian immediately – They will determine whether the cat’s change in behaviour was caused by a medical problem or difficulty in using the litter box. Like humans, cats keep nature calls private. The presence of noise or a cheerful baby can make it difficult to urinate or poop in the litter box. It could also be painful resulting in not using the litter box.

If the matter is entirely different and based on cat anxiety issues, the vet in most cases will recommend an anti-anxiety drug if it has been indeed confirmed to be appropriate. Sometimes the problem could arise in the size of the litter box.

Cats dig more profoundly when they want to poop, or sometimes urinate. The small shallow size of the litter box could be inefficient for the cat. Another possible reason could be hygiene. Most home cats prefer clean litter boxes all the time. This challenges the owner to wash more often. Changing the brand of the litter box could also be the reason why it didn’t go.

Point to note; there’s no definite answer to how many times a cat should poop or urinate. Some cats pee two or four times a day and poop after every 11 hours. It all depends on the time of the cat and the feeding habits. As long as the cat doesn’t have blood in the stool or doesn’t excrete very toxic urine or doesn’t have any difficulties in going, then how often a cat urinates or poops doesn’t matter.

Bathing the cat

Should you wash your cat? Yes, you should. Unlike dogs, bathing a cat is not an everyday task. Although like humans, cats can be inquisitive. They tend to explore places, especially their new home, so if your cat has gotten into something dirty like grease oil, or dust often in the chimney, then you must wash your cat immediately.

Most cats can groom themselves and stay clean so that you never have to bathe them; however, doing so doesn’t cause a disservice to them.

It merely provides several benefits such as:

  1. Cats love to share beds or pillows with humans, so washing them occasionally is a win for the owner.
  2. Bathing rinses away dead hair.
  3. It keeps the coat of the cat shinier and healthy.
  4. And finally, stops fleas and other skin parasites.


Keeping cats is a straightforward task if the owner takes into consideration the proper procedures on how to keep them. Besides the expense of maintaining cats at home, cats are very friendly, and they are a good choice as pets. However, it is essential to take good care of the cats before they develop stray behaviours.

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